Friday, April 20, 2012

The Peaceful warrior

This is something I wrote when I was 16. I didn't know it then but I really am a visionary and a revolutionary because I'd like to start a new revolution! A revolution with peaceful warriors. If we could all become a peaceful warrior on April 20th of every year we could have a Nation of Peace! Think of how awesome that would be. No killing, no hitting, no fighting of any kind, no crimes being committed, no police enforcement, no one having to enforce physical abuse of any kind. A day where we all just relax, smile, be kind to one another, for just 2 hours starting at 4:20 where ever you are in the world, could you just be kind to something, any living creature.
 Be kind to nature, to bugs, to plants: water a plant, water the grass, feed the world. Pick up trash, wash something, garden, plant a tree or some flowers, pull up some weeds. Do something kind for this planet. Love this planet we are live on what she provides us with. Nutrients that grow our food, even for our animals and we eat those animals, so feed your animals right, give them a treat at 4:20 it can be however many you like, but be kind to an animal of any kind. Pet an animal, buy an animal, take in an animal, find a home for an animal. Take care of our animals for they have lived here longer than we have.
 I wish to be one with nature, buildings that are Eco friendly and reliant on the natural energy that the earth provides so I wish we could all turn off our lights for 2 hours on one special day. Put down your devices, turn them off, tune out of the digital noise. Turn the TV off for 2 hours, unplug it. Unplug the computer, unplug the phone charger. Let the electricity rest for 2 hours. One day a year.
 I wish for there to be peace upon Nations, kindness to people: No fighting, no killing, no crimes of any kinds. No crimes being made means no enforcing is necessary so even the Enforcers get a day off! For 2 hours a day on one special day. That might be enough to give kindness a start. Be kind to all human kind. Smile at everyone you meet. Enjoy who you are, you are at peace with yourself, for 2 hours on one day a year. Let go of your fears, your worries and your cares. Let them go for 2 hours, and just sit there and be at peace with yourself. Be alone, for 2 hours, be with someone you love for 2 hours, starting at 4:20 on April 20th every year.
 Let it be a Peaceful Day, an entire World of Peace for just 2 hours on one special day. Maybe it will inspire some of us to be more caring more often, to be less critical of others if only for 2 hours one day a year.
 Let a Peaceful Revolution begin because I am so ready for the bloodshed to end. I am so tired of hearing about someone being killed. Can we really continue on living this way? Hating one another, killing each other, saying mean and hurtful things, can we really not learn to get along? Even the animal kingdom doesn't promote bloodshed- their beliefs and emotions don't make them kill each other, it's a dog eat dog world, they fight to survive, the strong live on.. But they are at peace with themselves and with us.
So let the Peaceful Era begin! Is upon us now, so let's all celebrate one single day of peace all across the Nation. If you can't be kind to anyone, or any thing, then be especially kind to yourself: Smile at yourself, be kind to yourself, for even if you have done something wrong, bad, or hurtful to someone or something before, be at peace with yourself we are all connected and we all need to forgive one another for the wrong doings of the people before us. Forgive someone who has been mean, hurtful, and wrong to you in life because that is were peace lies. Within ourselves, so be kind to others, be kind to yourself and do something kind to nature for we all live together and I want it to last. Happy 4:20 Everyone!

The Peaceful Warrior

In the midst of it all,
  amongst the youngsters eyes,
we cry.
  We cry out in the pain and anguish
our forefathers have brought upon us.
     The tortured souls of our loved ones
 long ago.
The horror they felt and the terror they saw
  Will never compare to what
        we are.
The love I have felt and the pain I've endoured
   has made me the strong one
and I will live on.
     I am what is created
what was evolved and now
    will dominate the new
world to come.
I feel the earth tremor at the
     very thought of
the wars to come, the bloodshet
  she must feel again.
that she thought was finally over.
   The terror will reign,
and the children will
  but the strong will survive
as they serve their last hours.
   The horrids are coming,
I wish to fight no longer,
 I want the peaceful death
      for I am the
         peaceful warrior.

Sarah Curry sept 26th 1998

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